
I'm Austin. I'm an automation developer who specializes in Python, VBA, RPA, and API development. I'm currently completing my master's degree in Information Systems, and love all things development, automation, cybersecurity, and networking.

Outside of my employment and studies I fill my time with other projects. I build web apps and automations for individuals and businesses, but also build projects for myself and sometimes will share things here or on github for others to use. If you'd like to get in touch or access any of my public APIs just send an inquiry below.

Network Rover

Network Rover is a lightweight network scanning tool designed to be compatible with iOS and Pythonista

Network Rover works by pinging possible host addresses and then attempting to open a connection on each of the specified ports. Understanding of basic networking principles are required to manually specify an IP address range. Rover does not attempt to identify any software on the host and is only used to quickly evaluate whether a host is live and if it has any applications listening on the specified ports.


Come Follow Me API

Get daily verses from this week's Come Follow Me lesson

The Daily Come Follow Me API is a web service to obtain passages from the current week's Come Follow Me lesson, with all verses obtained from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. The API will only return one set of verses per day, and is designed to return verses on Monday through Saturday. The API may also return any leftover verses on Sunday, but only if there are verses left usused during the rest of the week. Ocassionally verses may be repeated if they are re-emphasized in the lesson. This API does also include a version that outputs the same verses in a parsed format to make it easier for simple applications or integration with Apple Shortcuts.
